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A comedy podcast to help better understand humanity and also to make fart jokes. 

Feb 1, 2022

Mark Normand and Sam Morril came over to the Skeptic Tank studios to have a nice sober conversation with me about why they’re all better off without alcohol. And then somebody found the whisky.

This was a 2 hour long progressively drunker and drunker podcast about alcohol itself. How we started, where we first barfed, puke and rally theories, hangovers, favorite drinks, and on and on and on until blackouts were had by all. 

For more Ari: 

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2022 Tour Dates & Tickets 

02/11 | Tampa 

02/17 | Denver 

03/25 | Grand Rapids

03/26 | Detroit

03/31 | Appleton, WI 

Follow We Might Be Drunk! 

Watch We Might Be Drunk on YouTube

Listen on Apple Podcasts 

We Might Be Drunk on Patreon 

Instagram - @wemightbedrunk 

For more Mark:

Instagram - @marknormand 

Twitter - @marknorm 

Watch Mark on the new season of The Standups - Netflix Official Site 

Upcoming Shows 

For more Sam:

Instagram - @sammorril

Twitter - @sammorril

Upcoming Shows 

Watch Sam’s comedy specials: 

Sam Morril: I Got This - Full Special 

Sam Morril: Up on the Roof- Full Special 


The Music:

The Kinks - Alcohol

Slash - Godfather

Muddy Waters - Sittin’ Here Drinking

Janis Joplin - What good Can Drinking Do

Merle Haggard - I think I’ll just stay here and drink


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